Goosebumps (2015)
Strictly for kids and teens
24 January 2016
If I was 10 years younger and perhaps 10 IQ points dumber I would loved loved this movie. This takes me back to those Nickoledian days, particularly their famous show "Are you afraid of the dark" where a group of kids would come together before midnight to tell scary stories to each other and stories of monsters coming out of books were among the most popular; so this entire movie could have fit like an extended episode in the series.

Intellectually and emotionally this is at the level of high school with the classic high school tropes: young kid moves to a new school, falls in love with a weird girl, geeky virgin wants to get laid so desperately tries to be his friend, oh and there is high school prom. Of course with the major difference that a universe of monsters from the Goosebumps series have been accidentally unleashed on the town, and are going to crash that prom night.

Technically, a well polished movie with good monster effects work, but which is becoming run of the mill stuff now in your typical Hollywoood teenie pic.
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