Not GOT but is it supposed to be?
19 January 2016
I think the main issue with the reviews and what I have heard seem to be comparison to Game of Thrones.

I think its very harsh to review a show on a single episode but now we are on 3 I feel its starting to reveal more of its true nature.

I am a GOT fan and admit the intro was a big mistake but if we judge this on its own merit and the fact its based for family popcorn viewing on a sat night it hits the mark.

We seem to forget GOT s1 was very slow to begin with and a lot of story telling took place but here we are thrust into battle every episode. I think we need to view this for what it is easy but enjoyable viewing ona sat with the kids.

It reminds me more of the Merlin series than GOT to be fair. They obviously used a lot of artistic licence and its fantasy so cant really be compared to vikings. If they used traditional heavy swords the fight scenes would probably have less flair and traditional Armour would have been a bit drab not really vibrant.

It seems this production has gone more USA and relied on fun and monsters . To be fair I've seen worse CGI has no one seen the new Jurassic park? :) and the budget associated with that?
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