The Forest (I) (2016)
When you have a twin, you're gonna win!
18 January 2016
The Forest is a movie about twins who go into a forest. One twin goes into the forest, and then her sister, who is also her twin, goes into the forest after her when the first twin does not come out. This movie made me believe in twins again. They looked exactly the same! The last movie that I saw about twins was the movie "Twins", which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. In that movie, Arnold and Danny looked nothing alike. There is no way the Japanese would help Danny DeVito out if he showed the woman at the nature lodge a picture of Arnold and said that he was Arnold's twin. The Forest could have gotten that tenth star out of me if they had a crossover with the movie Twins. Perhaps Arnold could be the guide for one of the twins through the Forest and then she hallucinates seeing Danny DeVito and then Danny DeVito turns out to be real and then Arnold starts crying because he had not seen DeVito since 1988, when the movie Twins came out. And then at the end, the two sets of twins walk out of the forest hand-in-hand-in- hand-in-hand. And if they shared a Twix, which has identical looking cookie bars, on their way out of the suicide forest, then I would have stood up and clapped during the closing credits.

The other reason this movie did not get a tenth star from me was the fact that there was a family with little kids sitting in front of my wife and me at the movie. That kids in that family were really little - probably about 6 years old, and at one point, they were really upset at the horror on the screen and wanted to leave. But their idiot parents made them stay! My wife was like, "What's up with that???" I, too, was also wondering what was up with that. Perhaps they thought they were seeing Alvin and the Chipmonks but then committed to The Forest after watching 10 minutes of it. Perhaps they forgot their kids were at the movie with them. Whatever their reason for subjecting their children to this movie about demons and suicide, The Forest was an enjoyable movie with a heartfelt message about the power of sisterhood.
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