Good but flawed
18 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big Star Wars fan, The Force Awakens is good but not great, and I'm amazed at the really high rating here. There are positives; special effects great, and acting pretty good. But alas the story was very predictable, and it would be better to have not seen any of the previous Star Wars movies before seeing this one.

Many movies include scenes for the sake of the story, but with no relation to reality. In the first couple of Star Wards episodes Luke Skywalker had to master the force from the beginning, he had his L plates on, including the use of the light sabre. In The Force Awakens we see the heroine pick up a light sabre for the first time, take on the bad guy, strong with the dark side, who has probably been light sabre-ing for 10 years, and win! Replace light sabres with swords, what chance would a novice have against an experienced swordsman? None at all. I'm sorry but that kind of stuff spoils it for me.

This must have been mentioned elsewhere, but why oh why did they repeat (from the original Star Wars), the error in the use of the term parsec, which is a measurement of distance, but is used as a measure of time in both movies. Perhaps they know and they included the error again as a joke, I'm not sure.

The Force Awakens is still good overall, but not a movie I will be watching over and over again, once is enough for me.
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