Review of Zeitgeist

Zeitgeist (2007 Video)
Lots to think about
18 January 2016
Divided in three sections: Religion, 9/11 and the economical system, or should I say the banking system, this documentary is very informative. It starts rather annoyingly though with a cacophony of sounds and pictures of war and whatever. Way, way too long. After over 30 seconds of that, I fast forwarded on Netflix until it got to the crux of the presentation: Religion. Religion is evil, we are told. Completely agree, but I learned far more than I thought I would. Then came the «Truth» about the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. Great stuff. I had more or less accepted the official version, but after what I heard, I realized I have been fed bullshit. The arguments made for the alternate version (whatever it is) are quite compelling. I never liked Bush and Cheney, but what I heard there make the evil emperor and Darth Vader in Star Wars look tame by comparison. On the Central Bank, the third part, my knowledge in this area is less than adequate to judge the veracity of this alternate vision. As a result, I found the argumentation tedious and a tad to pat to be convincing. As good as it is, this documentary would have been much better with about 15 minutes chopped off. But it does make you think, a lot.
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