Slightly More Intelligent
18 January 2016
There are a few reasons I watched "Contracted Phase 2".

1.) How could it be worse than the first one? It wasn't

2.) Maybe there would be some answers for how and why all of this started. There were, somewhat.

3.) Will the people get more intelligent because the first movie was rife with stupidity. They were, slightly.

"Contracted Phase 2" picks up exactly where "Contracted" left off. Samantha was killed after hungrily attacking her mother on the street (how her mom happened to be at the scene of her accident is beyond me).

This movie was yet another warning about unprotected sex as it picks up with Riley (Matt Mercer) going to the hospital to be tested for "everything" after his sexual escapade with Samantha. We see Riley go through the same three day metamorphosis that Samantha went through except with more casualties.

The movie still lacked any real personality even though the acting was significantly better. But yet again, there were no characters to get behind. Riley deserved his fate for getting freaky with a walking corpse, everyone else was just collateral damage.

Although better than the first "Contracted Phase 2" still not a good movie.
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