Check The Mirror - Reflections Of Eternity
17 January 2016
Please disregard the couple of reviews on here that didn't understand this film, and therefore went on to claim that the positive reviews are fake. This film is definitely not for the overly distracted. This is a brilliant and fairly original film concept inspired by ancient sacred teachings, and the execution is also excellent, even despite the small budget. This is a true independent film, funded at least partly by Kickstarter, and in my view, it's a gem.

This is an intellectual/spiritual film. If you're not looking for a film that will make you think, and if you're not interested in feeling, skip this. Not everyone is open enough to even get into this film. However open minded mystery and sci-fi lovers should at least like this film a decent amount. If it sounds interesting to you, give it a chance. I'm very thankful that I did.

If you liked or loved Darren Aronofsky's 'Pi', my bet is that you'll like or love this too. It's similar in ways, but yet much different as well. If you didn't like 'Pi', you likely won't like this film.
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