Could have been shorter
9 January 2016
On the plus side, this drama is one of the best acted I've seen. Often I will say that it's the older performances that deliver. But the acting from leads and secondary leads including Alec Su as Lu En Qi, Chae Rim as Guan Xiao Tong , Peter Ho as Li Yao Xiang. Chen Zi Ying as Hui Wen is excellent I was more interested in the relationship between Peter ho's character, and Chae Rim's, than in the leading couple Chae Rim and Alec Su. They had many nice romantic scenes, but the story perked up for me more when she was with the other guy, you might say. Perhaps unrequited love is more interesting to watch than two people being lovey dovey with each other. I would like to have seen more of Chen Ziying. But it's not the first time a character is forgotten about. My favorite character was probably li li played by Chi Hua Qiong. The dialogue for the most part is pretty good, but there are cheesy bits as well. On the minus side. It's somewhat drawn out, The characters are okay, but don't have that dynamism, you find in the best Korean dramas for instance. To repeat myself, the main couple needed to have some arguments or something to make their relationship more interesting. Well i guess it was in the relationship between Guan Xiao Tong and Li Yao Xiang. I suppose The storyline isn't really that interesting, I would say that it's the acting that keeps it going. Tighter pacing, and perhaps lopping off at least ten episodes would have been of help, i think. NOTE Peter Ho was around 31 in this. Shi Da Sheng who plays his father was about 39.
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