Unbreak My Heart
11 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to say this recent purchase on DVD (sadly, no Bluray, yet) brought me back to my childhood, but that would be weird since I was 26 when it was released. It did bring back all my fond memories of that era of my life.

This movie still holds up today – for me, at least. The characters, the laughter, the drama, the comradery, the dating…I could relate to all of what this film had to show. With each one individual gay stereotype after another, I both knew someone like these and was one of them at one point or another. Seeing this group brought back so many memories of my young gay youth.

Normally, I might be offended by such clichés in any given group of individuals, but since they were so real here, and I lived this, it didn't bother me. With the addition of such actors who had such incredible chemistry and joy to be working with each other, it helped bring the story to life. Not to mention the film had an incredible script with snappy dialogue and deep meanings.

Basically, this is a real-life soap opera of best friends either trying to hold onto their present or trying to constantly better themselves. Our main "hero," Dennis (played by the fantastic Timothy Olyphant) is the central point of yearning for something more.

Personally, if I could stay in this group until I was the age of Jack (another great performance by John Mahoney) I would. But, Dennis needed more and showed that.

Back in 2000, when this was released, I did see this many times, but it got lost in the shuffle until recently and I wanted to revisit it after not seeing it for more than a decade. What warm memories this brought back and boy did it still ring true to my heart. I did laugh-out-loud again, relate again and cried at the appropriate times. Glad I purchased and wanted to become part of the Club again.

And what an all-star club it is, if you look to see how many stars showed up to film this hilariously scripted gem. Definitely a recommendation to those of us who grew up gay in the 90s and early 2000s.
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