Crowsnest (2012)
Not That Good Of A Film
11 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm biased TOWARDS found footage films. I generally love them. I can forgive some of the more ridiculous things within them due to the fact that I'm a bit of a junkie for this sub genre of cinema.

This film?

Not so much.

It's terrible.

The characters do some INSANELY stupid things. I know, I know, virtually ALL horror movies have the main characters doing stupid things. This one takes the proverbial cake though.

So instead of heading DOWN a desolate mountain TOWARDS civilization, you decide to go up to its remote, isolated, hard-to-reach summit instead?

So you're being chased by a slow, ill-equipped-for-mountain-roads RV and you're in a 4-wheel drive vehicle made for the terrain you're currently lost in and you still let it catch you?

So you've just discovered your friend trapped in said RV literally surrounded by weapons with her foot cut off and you decide to kill one of the people involved in the death of your friends and possibly the mutilation of your friend and you run AWAY, weaponLESS from a prime vantage point of ambush?

This movie's characters are absolute idiots, even by lax horror film standards.

The gore (what little of it is on display) is decent, the setting is sufficiently creepy, particularly the town they stop in and that's about it. Almost nothing else is worth mentioning, let alone watching.

Do not pay to view this. It would be a total waste of money.
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