A necessary film, badly made
10 January 2016
The whole cast is a long series of cardboard silhouettes marching around in a silly dance. A TV report about child prostitution has about the same emotional and artistic value for only a fraction of the price. So why do it? Because the they can. Anyway, everything is cleaned up to sterility. The miners are poor. They have unfashionable clothing. Yet the clothes are clean and new. The brothel is hospital clean and there are no sanitation issues. There is no blood, no vomit, even the chain is new and shinny.

Why do they do it? Any of the characters moving around? Who cares? The team has a movie to shoot and big dreams. In the end, the screen announces this is made from true stories. Really? If that's so why is there only one story? And if that is one story, where is the evolution, the reason to feel something for the girl? In the end, after 90 minutes, the girl is just another piece of meat. Does she change? Does she have dreams? Long into the movie she starts speaking. She is trying to become human: she talks about pain. But she is cut short by the director's need to keep up filming.

I should have felt sorry for the girl. Yet the only conclusion rests: she was better off dead. And this movie unmade.

Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @ bitmail.ch
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