10 January 2016
This episode started off interestingly enough, but it started to drag about halfway through. The primary story involving the librarian is a fairly decent one, and if they had kept to that one, this would have been a much stronger episode.

For some reason, however, the writers decide to jump back and forth to an anvil-dropping secondary story involving Dr. Ogden that has nothing whatsoever to do with the primary story. There is also a tertiary story involving a baseball game rivalry between police stations.

All in all, it's too much for a single episode, which is why it's dragged out over two.

If the librarian story had been on its own with the baseball game as a secondary, the episode would have been maybe a 7/10. Anna, Murdoch's brief flame from his trip to England, shows up again and is repeatedly told that she is in danger, yet she continues to place herself in danger and get in the way.

The jumps to the secondary story are very jarring and the story is very uninteresting. Dr. Ogden has been teaching contraception at her private practice, gets arrested for it, and insists on making a big issue out of it, with the help of Dr. Grace and in opposition to Darcy's wishes. That's pretty much it, as far as this episode goes.

Seasons 4 and 5 have been pretty strong thus far, but this pair of episodes break the momentum.
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