Tarantino Classic
9 January 2016
I went to see this eagerly anticipated film in the cinema on release day. As someone who is in their late twenties, I started getting into Quentin Tarantino films after watching Inglorious Bastards. It is clear that Quentin has carved a niche area of filmography which not many other directors can match.

Prior to going to watch this film, I was acutely aware of the negative reviews of the film. However, after watching the film, I can only praise the cinematography and plot.

The cinematography, acting, plot and score are all beautifully thought out and it was a pleasure to watch. If you like Inglorious Bastards, Kill Bill and Django, you would love this film. In typical Quentin style, the film is segmented into chapters. There is no doubt that Tarantino has amazing skills at keeping the watcher captivated, and his attention to detail is unreal. This is a film that you have to watch a second time to get the nuances and hidden meanings that riddle this film.

In terms of the plot, if you watch the whole film from start to finish, you will be amazed at how the film ends. For the first time you would have no idea that the film would finish in that way. The plot also had a hint of Reservoir Dogs (a classic must see) to satisfy the older viewers.

I admit, this film is not for everyone. For example, I would never recommend this film to my parents who will not understand the dark humour that keeps this film going. I was laughing at points where in another film I probably wouldn't laugh. There is also lots of shooting (the second half of the film) which is typical of a Tarantino film. Lets put it this way - you will not be going to see this film for a romantic drama. Tarantino is not for the mainstream audience - hence the 18 certificate. The language is crude but needs to be in order to set the scene.

Nevertheless, the above does not detract from the fact that this film is yet another masterpiece from Tarantino. The dialogue and acting was amazing and I love how Tarantino really puts an effort into developing the personality of the characters.

I would highly recommend watching this and giving the film a chance. If you want a film set in the 1800's but with a deep meaning, check out There Will be Blood.
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