Review of Carol

Carol (2015)
"Far From Heaven" Redux.
7 January 2016
Todd Haynes only made 2 other feature films in the last 15 years. The last one was I'M NOT THERE and before that (nearly 13 years ago) was FAR FROM HEAVEN. CAROL is extremely reminiscent of FAR FROM HEAVEN. The obvious similarity is the plot involving a person coming to terms with their spouse's homosexual tendencies. However, there are other similarities: the 1950s setting, the deliberately slow pace, the stuffiness of East Coast society.

I liked FAR FROM HEAVEN's atmosphere, much like classic Douglas Sirk films. CAROL seems to be lacking that and, for that fact, I think FAR FROM HEAVEN is the better film. All in all, CAROL is a suitable companion piece to FAR FROM HEAVEN.
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