Review of Anomalisa

Anomalisa (2015)
One of the best films of 2015
7 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am writing this because of the backlash that Kaufman is receiving right now.

Kaufman is a brand and his films tend to attract a certain type of audience, whether you consider it intellectual or pretentious is up to you. His movies do appeal primarily to the brain as they pose different puzzles that need to be solved in order to understand what is really going on and how one should react to it. At the same time, Kaufman's films tend to be quite heartfelt and human, so the final effect is of complexity and emotional weight.

The problem with Anomalisa is that the film is quite straightforward. Beyond the amazing puppetry, there is little left to discuss, so one either likes the theme or doesn't. Thus, if one does not think of Anomalisa as a single film but considers it within the scope of Charlie Kaufman films it might be weak, boring, the worst movie ever etc.

But Anomalisa is a beautiful standalone film. The stop motion technique itself makes the proceedings intriguing while never becoming too flashy except during the shower and sex scenes. The use of the puppet faces and Tom Noonan's voice is a masterstroke.

What really makes the film however is that it gives space to every single encounter and empty moment. You cannot make a film about loneliness and frustration unless there is some loneliness and frustration in it. That is exactly what one gets in drawn out scenes with taxi drivers, lift boys etc, and they are all infused with sufficient dry humour to avoid becoming overbearing.

I will not go further into discussing the exact relationships between the characters in the film. At the center of it all is a broken man who is looking for a cure but does not get it. I only hope it helps people in a similar situation cope with their predicament.

In conclusion, Anomalisa is a great film, one of the best films in 2015, but your mileage may vary and your perception will be heavily influenced by how you perceive Kaufman's body of work to begin with. If you are thinking whether to watch Anomalisa or not, maybe it's best for you to read the seven-stars reviews. I find them a good litmus test in this instance.
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