Game of Thrones: Kissed by Fire (2013)
Season 3, Episode 5
Political engagements
5 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode sees The Hound face trial by combat but the result is not the one Arya had hoped for. North of the wall Jon Snow still isn't fully trusted by the Wildlings but after telling them about the defences at the wall Ygritte takes him to a cave where Jon breaks his vow never to lie with a woman… and he even manages to teach the more experienced Ygritte a thing or two. Robb Stark's plans face further setbacks when Lord Karstark and his men murder the two young Lannister boys; Robb has the killers executed but that leads to Karstark's forces departing leaving Robb with only half the men he had before; if he is to get more men he will have to have the Freys ally with him; something that won't be easy given that he broke his vow to marry Lord Frey's daughter. Back in King's Landing we learn that Loras Tyrell, the man it is suggested that Sansa marries, prefers the company of men and when Tywin Lannister learns of the proposed union he has other ideas about who Sansa and Loras should marry… somewhat to the dismay of his own children. Elsewhere Brienne and Jaime are handed over to Lord Bolton; here their treatment improves and after Jaime's wounds are treated he has a conversation with Brienne in which he gives the details about why he killed the 'Mad King'; details that make him a more sympathetic character.

This was another fine episode which got of to a great start with The Hound's trial; it was an exciting fight made all the more impressive by his opponent's flaming sword. Arya's reaction to what was happening made it even more interesting; Maisie Williams was great here and in the scenes that followed. The scenes between Kit Harington and Rose Leslie, as Jon and Ygritte, were impressive and despite the nudity didn't feel gratuitous partially because it seemed entirely natural but also because his breaking of his vow is an important step to him joining the Wildlings. After all the scheming involving Tyrion and Cersei it was interesting to see their reaction to their father's demands; Tyrion's honourably reaction and Cersei's disgust! What ultimately happens to Sansa will be interesting to see. The scenes between Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau and Gwendoline Christi, as Jaime and Brienne, were surprisingly touching as Jaime tells the story about the Mad King's death. There are plenty of other great moments including a scene where Daenerys gives the Unsullied the right to choose their own names and one where Stannis visits his wife then his young daughter. All these scenes are combined in a way that leaves the viewer keen to discover what will happen next to the protagonists without feeling that any one scene goes on for too long. Overall another gripping episode.
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