Bordertown (2016)
following the liberal agenda, on FOX???
4 January 2016
If you too blind or too stupid or too close minded to acknowledge the difference between legal immigrants and ILLEGAL aliens or the difference between racism and expecting people to obey our country's laws and regulations, then you will like this.

If you think everyone that thinks illegal immigration is a problem because of criminals, terrorist's and people using other people's social security numbers (it's called fraud and if i did it I'd be behind bars), etc., sneaking across our borders is a stupid redneck racist who hates Mexicans and/or all minorities then you will like this.

If you are offended by being lumped in with those said rednecks who are a small tho LOUD percentage of the people who believe that illegal immigration needs to be dealt with instead of just ignored and the tactics of using the generic term "immigrants" to combine both legal AND illegal immigrants together so as to imply people that are anti ILLEGAL immigration are also anti immigrant then you probably won't.

I gave it two stars because some of the humor is funny but mainly just portrays Americans, especially WHITE Americans as uneducated redneck Mexican haters.

I am not a racist and my wife is a permanent resident at this time, That means she is a legal immigrant. There's a difference. The show is just too one-sided. There's not one character in the show that brings up any anti-ILLEGAL immigration that isn't an idiot. If they had shown a couple of digs at the left wing opinion then maybe it would fly a little better but no it just shoves the illegal immigrants down your throat.
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