Sort of a crappy reworking of ALIEN along with some gratuitous nudity.
4 January 2016
Roger Corman produced this film and although his movies almost always made money*, they always were made with minuscule budgets. None of them are what anyone would consider high art, but a few are masterpieces of inexpensive cinema. This one, however, is pretty much like most of Corman's films--super-cheap, kind of cheesy and a bit dumb...but also almost entertaining enough to keep your interest. After all, if the story (a re-working of ALIEN) doesn't keep your interest, the film tossed in quite a bit of gratuitous nudity to keep your interest!

When the film begins, there is a really crappy space battle that looked very, very dated for the early 80s. Following this, the captain of the ship arrives at a research station where some sort of accident has occurred...though the leader of the station continually downplays the seriousness of it. They've created some sort of super-organism and although folks seem amazingly complacent, it soon starts wiping out folks on the station. Can they stop it in time or are they all doomed to be entrées for this creature?

ALIEN came out in 1979 and looks a billion times better than this film. Heck, several other sci-fi movies of the 70s look a lot better than this one. But it does sport two women who love to take their clothes off for no discernible reason other than to distract the audience from the overall crappiness of the movie. The overall effect is anything but artful and isn't particularly good...but folks wanting to see a lot of flesh should be satisfied. Otherwise, not a film most folks would want to watch and would do a lot better just watching ALIEN.

By the way, 're-working' is also occasionally a nice way to say 'blatant ripoff'.

*Corman's only money-losing film (out of over 400 credits) was reportedly "The Intruder" (starring William Shatner). Sadly, this was among the best films Corman ever made and yet it lost money and some god-awful ones made money. A great example of the phrase "life ain't fair".
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