Review of Over Here

Law & Order: Over Here (2007)
Season 17, Episode 21
Magazine Racket
3 January 2016
This episode concerns a pair of random murders committed by the same people within a half an hour. The investigation finds the three, two men and a woman, Vincent Piazza, Patrizia Hernandez, and Ben Curtis. Of the three the real culprit is Curtis who has an uncontrollable violent temper courtesy of the post traumatic stress suffered in Iraq.

Law And Order episodes in all the franchises tend to jump all over the lot. In the end Sam Waterston and Alana DeLa Garza focus on the deplorable conditions at the VA hospital where Curtis is treated. When will ever treat our veterans right instead of turning people like Curtis out on society?

But the beginning of this story was something I hoped would develop. The three are part of some magazine selling concern. I know someone who was sucked into that kind of a racket. These people prey on alienated and disaffected young people. What's described in the story is exactly the conditions he lived under ever so briefly thank God.

Two brutal murders were committed by Curtis. In the end you don't know where your sympathies should be.
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