Roller Coaster is a delightful ride!
30 December 2015
Roller Coaster is a rare gem of a short film that takes you on an emotional up and down journey, and leaves you wanting to take the ride with the film makers over and over again. The story is a simple one. Young actress Emily Chadwick, played by newcomer Sarah Hawkins, encounters many relatable obstacles on her way to an audition. It would have been very easy to take this Murphy's Law tale into farcical territory. Instead, the multitalented Bradley Hawkins has written and directed the story to focus on Emily's naturalness, and ease her through the rough moments and oddities around her. Sarah Hawkins has such a genuine freshness as Emily, that as the camera follows her twists and turns - we feel the frustration, anxiety and joys along with her. That Ms. Hawkins conveys all of these emotions in a largely unspoken part, speaks volumes to her ability to play for the camera and I look forward to seeing her blossoming movie career. Also noteworthy is first time director Bradley Hawkins' efforts in shepherding an ensemble of acting talent and technical skill - especially in regard to photography, musical score, and editing. The pacing and tone of Mr. Hawkins' directing style work well here and are sure to translate into many future projects. Ultimately what Roller Coaster and Bradley Hawkins delivers is a delightful ride.
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