The Last Kingdom: Episode #1.7 (2015)
Season 1, Episode 7
Superb once again.
30 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The penultimate episode sees Uhtred and Leofric set to battle to the death following their exploits in Cornwall, but a well timed Viking attack sees the battle end. The Vikings are merciless, massacring all the kingdom. Uhtred, Leofric, Iseult, The King and his family flee to the Marshlands, with only each other for protection. The King has to place his faith in the pagan Iseult, who helps nurse the dreadfully sick Prince back to health. A Viking fleet lands nearby, with Uhtred hatching a plan to beat their aggressors. Uhtred shows a more reasoned approach to the deep beliefs of Alfred and Beoca.

Unforgiving TV it's fair to say, this is the darkest, bleakest episode to date, but wow this was incredibly good. I've commented on the acting throughout, and once again it is of the highest calibre, everyone put in a stunning performance,

An episode vastly different in tone from the rest of the series, a hugely bloodthirsty opening, to a very thoughtful and character driven story.

The music has been wonderful throughout the series, in this episode too it was particularly good, melodic and dramatic where appropriate.

Very different, I loved it, 10/10
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