Tiresome British b-pic spy yarn with a good twist ending but, by the time it comes, one is so bored to care.
30 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
British intelligence agent, David Baxter (Conrad Philips), is sent to the Irish Republic to investigate the death of a double agent - found washed ashore on the coast - who was suspected of selling information to the Russians. But is the dead man really who British intelligence think it is?

Tiresome British espionage drama from quota-quickie veteran director Francis Searle who made scores of indifferent b-pic thrillers throughout the fifties and sixties. It seems a lot longer than its running time - its brief moment of excitement coming at the end where the identity of the double agent is whom you'll least expect it to be but, by then, you'll be so bored that you won't care or - very likely - you'll have fallen asleep. There is virtually no action, no suspense and in the main its all chat and its a great pity because the Irish setting is quite well conveyed thanks to the lighting of Ken Hodges who gives the film a lot more production value than it deserves.
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