Zomblies (2010)
Where was the storyline?...
29 December 2015
As much as I love all things zombie, then I also know from bitter experience that more than often is a zombie movie a swing and a miss. "Zomblies" was no different.

First of all; the title! What was up with that? What was the whole thing with the added L? I just didn't understand that.

Secondly, you would assume that a movie would require to have a storyline or at least something that even just remotely resembles a story and a plot. The storyline in "Zomblies" was six feet under here, no pun intended, and it never even got close to unearthing itself. It was just a bunch of people running around and away from zombies that were also running. No! Just no!

There was very little acting in "Zomblies", but of course why would there be any acting in a movie where all that was going on was running around and shooting zombies?

And the zombie make-up. Again no! Just no! It was the typical low budget zombie make-up, well, or rather lack thereof. First rule of a zombie movie is proper special effects and make-up. Rule two, no running zombies. Rule three, a proper storyline. "Zomblies" failed on every account.

If you are a zombie aficionado, stay clear of this movie, unless you are nurturing a hangover and just need a mindless, no pun intended, movie to pass the time.
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