Jessica Jones: A.K.A. 99 Friends (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
do they give acting awards for graphic novel adaptations?
28 December 2015
I suppose, as an IMDb Top Reviewer, I should already know the answer but in fact I don't. From memory, and I have seen a lot of TV (from back when when they showed only test patterns during daylight and there was no actual TV until it got dark).

I cannot recall ever seeing an acting award given for essentially a comic book adaption.

There is a scene in this episode where Ritter's character (Jessica) finds that she has been targeted by someone who is biased against "special people" and that someone wants to kill her. While that theme alone is hardly new (Heroes Reborn beats it to death each week, very painfully) Ritter's performance is way beyond what is expected. And in fact it draws attention to the fact that her performance in the entire series is way beyond what is expected. This deserves acknowledgement.

Great episode. The writing is sharp. The cop who apologizes for almost killing (against his will) by explaining how he "defended Barbie" when he was little ... also memorable.

Lots of good TV these days. My top-2 "most interesting and unpredictable" shows are Banshee and Jessica Jones. In fact if they weren't from different series, I would consider introducing them.
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