Visuals and action make up for weak character stuff
25 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Despite Takato continuing to have a one-note personality, this episode works thanks to a combination of nighttime visuals and the scenes with Impmon and Guilmon. The former benefits from some effective voice work from Derek Stephen Prince, sounding a lot like Veemon, but with more of an edge. His prankster tendencies and egocentric personality are on full display, not only making him entertaining but also bringing more sympathy to the already sympathetic Guilmon. The cynical Ms. Asaji even shows a slightly more compassionate side in getting Takato out of a predicament.

All of this stuff works well, but I still can't get past the fact that Takato's primary trait, aside from an affinity for drawing, is to constantly become anxious about losing Guilmon. This is only exacerbated by his embarrassing reaction to Guilmon's story, which conflicts with his attitude in the previous episode. It doesn't matter if it aligns with his maturity level or age; it makes him unlikeable. I did, however, like that darkly humorous image he thought up ("he's a menace to society!"). Unfortunately, this also weakens the build-up to Growlmon's first appearance, which would have worked much better if Takato dealt with something weightier than a measly misunderstanding that would have been evaded were it not for his lousy communication skills. This all makes me wonder if playing up the realism of the matter was the right route to take. I understand that they're trying to convey how difficult it would be to hide a creature like this, but the approach makes having a digimon partner seem like a burden; to the kids watching this show, having a digimon would be the most amazing thing in the world. The fight at the end is pretty good, though, with Growlmon and Devidramon attacking each other like two enraged animals.
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