TR finally buys the farm.
21 December 2015
Much of this episode concerns Teddy Roosevelt and his post- presidency life, though it also dealt with FDRs rise to national prominence.

As for Teddy, he was now very bored as his promise to not run for another term came to bite him in the butt. Although Taft was a capable president, he wasn't Teddy...and Teddy now was considering running again. Unfortunately, he was not popular among Republican insiders and was unable to gain the Republican nomination. As a result, he ran (and lost) with a third party. Then, during much of the Wilson administration, Teddy complained because Wilson wasn't enough of a war-monger, as Teddy thought it would be great fun if American soldiers ALSO would litter the fields of France. Wilson ignored Teddy, as a fat and somewhat nutty ex-president was NOT a guy you want to send into action. So, Teddy convinced his sons to join as soon as the US declared war and they had bully fun...except for Quentin, who had the nerve to die in action.

As for Franklin, he now was the assistant secretary of the Navy-- just like TR had been. And throughout the 1910s he made a name for himself as a somewhat abrasive little jerk. Even Franklin admitted this was the case.

All in all, another well made episode of the Ken Burns series-- interesting throughout and very well constructed.
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