Far Out (2015)
An Ambitious attempt for a feature length with a $0 budget
19 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To properly judge the film, i always keep its budget in the back of my mind, and with consideration of the film vs it's budget, i would say "Far Out" is a good film. I personally have a connection to the film since i was a part of the archetype but i really tried to view the film from a disconnected viewpoint, it has many valuable themes, along with some good performances and it also has a few faults that are surely present with a low budget indie like this.

I was looking for aspects that made the film look like, and feel like a film, and i found, and lost those aspects in various different avenues.

Thematically, it's very good. It uses Cinephilia as a tool to sail us through various different conflicts our protagonist must overcome. It also alludes greatly to many other classic films, which in many ways, accentuates Karim's odyssey to find his own "style". After all, Tarantino himself borrowed a few devices from films of his youth era.

Acting was very eclectic. Moe Golkar was an above average performance in the anomaly role of "the filmmaker". James Sirois captured the megalomania that the story demanded. Lamont James Brown, although a small role, was very enjoyable to watch. Most of the smaller performances was very well done, although the only two females in the film were heavily objectified, likely due to writing. Perhaps Mr. Karim has been watching an abundance of crime action flicks and not enough Rom-Com's? who am i to say...

Writing seemed very examined, i could tell in certain situations that Karim revisited scenes and connected them properly, such as Goldbergs rant about our fear to admit someone is simple "dead" rather than "Passed away". Overall the writing seemed good, although it was a bit rushed and out of hand in the third act, or at least this films version of the third act

Directing seemed good as well, very eclectic with his other credits. It all seems like a fairly large project for Karim to helm on his own so it would only be proper to give him credit.

Cinematography, i had a few problems with, the film at times felt a bit claustrophobic, and some fight scenes with the exception of the heist, seemed very shaky

Editing is perhaps my main criticism, it seemed like some scenes could be trimmed, or completely cut, and i would have loved if the Persian commercial was used more as a transitional device.

Overall, it would only feel right to give this film a 8/10, it would obviously be much higher if it had a budget, and thus i would judge it accordingly, but since it doesn't, i am obligated to judge it comparatively to other films within the same range of budget, in which case, its rather high on the list of "best $0 movie that isn't found footage", and if anything it is a testament that Karim managed at the age of 19 to create a feature length movie that likely proves the obsolescence of film school, good job bij
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