Review of Barter

Tales from the Darkside: Barter (1988)
Season 4, Episode 19
Failed comic episode
18 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Harried housewife Ruthie (the irritating Jill Jaress) gets a visit from strange alien salesman Kaatzu (veteran comic Jack Carter ravenously devouring the scenery with highly annoying and unrestrained glee). Klaatzu gives Ruthie a mechanical device that enables her to silence the noise caused by her son Little Nicky's (the insufferably bratty Miguel Alamo) constant drumming, but not necessarily in a good way.

Director Christopher T. Welch pitches the humor at way too broad a level for said humor to really work while Julie Selbo's silly script spoofs "I Love Lucy" in a way which proves to be more dumb and grating than remotely funny or clever. Worse yet, the characters are all extremely obnoxious and unbearable one-note caricatures, with Michael Santiago rating as the single most heinous offender due to his unbearably hammy portrayal of histrionic father Nicky. The frustratingly ambiguous ending doesn't help matters any. One of this show's lesser half hours.
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