The Stranger (XII) (2014)
Woth Your Time If You Like Gore
14 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I think I might be too generous with awarding good marks to movies that others characterize as being so-so. Perhaps it's the budding filmmaker in me that goes easy on new and unknown directors. One noticeable and annoying weakness in the film is how spineless the kid is. My goodness, they made him as soft as jellyfish. Also, the level of violence that the three thugs initially unleashed on the stranger was a little unrealistic and over the top for such a small town. But, drama being drama, I suppose it was necessary.

Other reviewers here have pointed out how stiff some of the dialog is, and I agree with them. The scriptwriter could've been a little more creative. The lighting and direction was fine however so no complaints in that department. Gore hounds will like this film for sure as it delivers blood in spades. I thought it was interesting how the Stranger-vampire felt enormous pain when being assailed by his antagonists. I don't think I've ever seen that before, at least not with this much conviction anyway.

This raw movie is far from the cheesy Hollywood suburban teen flicks. No buxom lasses strutting around in their underwear, no clichéd jock/nerd/goth kids, no overused "loss of cellphone coverage" in a cabin in the woods shtick and, thankfully, no found footage nonsense. This is a mature horror film and, yes, it might remind you of "Let the Right One In", but it's still worth your while.
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