Not funny, not clever, not cool
13 December 2015
These 2 high ratings are undoubtedly from the creators. I have the highest tolerance of B movies of anyone i know, and this was easily the worst film i've seen in 10 years. I love thankskilling, I love almost anything troma, lionsgate and fullmoon produce. I am not hard to please in this department. So in case you think i'm being lofty, im not. I'm well familiar with schlock. Up until this "Hellroller" was the worst film i'd seen, and that film has almost unwatchable film and audio quality that you can barely see faces on screen. This film has more turd jokes than the infinitely better "Monsturd" film. That's saying a lot.

I can honestly say you will not enjoy this film at all. This one is one of the few bad films I can say was a complete waste of time.

There seems to be no script, it tries hard to be funny, but fails on ALL attempts. There are 2 redneck brothers who repeatedly make the dumbest gay jokes, and utter "momma owww" repeatedly, in addition to talking about their asses, nuts, junk repeatedly, and oddly not in a way that becomes entertaining. It's like a bizarre mix of three stooges comedy and spraying feces gags. The Momma character repeats her "God Dammit..." catchphrase and does nothing other than, woo look! a man in drag! Aren't we funny? If you were to describe the film, it might sound decent, which is so surprising why it fails on all accounts.

Seriously, most pornos have better plots.

I like to offer films to people I know which I consider "challenging", films that we hate each other for, and for that, it's perfect. I can see how these actors had a lot of fun doing this, but unfortunately it appears there was no structure to hold any of it together. Script, editing, or otherwise.

This film at best will disappoint, at worst make you angry.

It's not clever, not well done, has wasted cg effects, and ron adds nothing to this (and he usually does). It's not violent, it's not sexy, it's not funny, it's not unique. It's just a waste of time and I'm not sure i'd wish it on my worst enemies.

If you want to challenge your capability to finish any film, check this out. You've been warned.
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