Something to brighten up a dull day.
12 December 2015
I think that Katy Perry is about "girl empowerment"-that is to say I think she wants girls to be proud of themselves-and teenage girls as well-so instead of doing what everybody else does- she is an original who is not like the other female singers out there whose are mostly about 'being a Femme Fatale.' Britney Spears even named one of her albums 'Femme Fatale.' Most young women would rather be themselves and have fun than pretend to be some kid of "ultimate female" or 'Femme Fatale.' (some people define a Femme Fatale as a woman who by virtue of her good looks lures men into dangerous situations-but I think it means a woman who is all about being the focus of every mans attention) I think KP appeals to the group of young women who don't take themselves too seriously which I think is a good thing. I am a fan of many different types of music and I like to hear about how someone decided to do what they do in music. This film had plenty of material that gives a look into the life of the performer and why she does what she does. I think attempting a tour that lasted forever probably contributed to her marital problems- which were sad to see in the film. Her positive attitude is contagious and her voice is often surprisingly good in terms of what she is capable of doing sonically when she really gets going. There isn't much talent out there in the music biz today so I think its good to see someone who has got singing talent and I like her crazy costumes-not 'totally nuts' like Lady Gaga-just colorful and playful-which makes her shows fun & sexy.
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