Moonbeam City (2015)
Gorgeous artwork; not funny.
6 December 2015
I really, really wanted this to be good. Great stars are combined with a beautiful aesthetic. It has a "Metalocalypse" vibe to the character artwork and animation, and I love the send-up of 80s pseudo-haute design and buddy cop show serialization.

The trouble is this: it's not funny. Guest stars like Adam West and Patrick Warburton help a bit, but the lines the main characters speak from episode to episode have a sort of disconnection to them. The plot of each episode seem like a good premise, but once it gets going, I'm disappointed. The shows just don't "pop". About 5 minutes into each one, I would say to myself, "Okay, this looks like this will be the one to hit its stride," and it just never happens.

It feels like none of the actors were in the same studio at the same time to read when I watch Moonbeam City. I half expect Rob Lowe to just say, "Ann Perkins!" at some point. Will Forte is wasted here.. even the attempt to really develop his character in one episode feels half-hearted. However, Elizabeth Banks and Kate Mara both have moments throughout the series so far with Rob Lowe that make me pine for more- especially after the third episode.

I'm very disappointed up to this point. I hope things change in season two because there are a lot of really good ingredients here. It would be a shame for the recipe to stay so bland.
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