Soul Eater (2008–2009)
Way to scrape from the bottom of the barrel
3 December 2015
Having seen all 51 episodes I can safely say this anime was really bad. Now I'm a fan of silly anime with a good story (Yu Yu Hakusho, Sailor Moon, One Piece). This anime had the silly part down, but it's story was lame.

The series has several episodes that either drag out or just plain get nothing accomplished (I'm talking about the ones with Excalibur, ugh). The few that do try to blend humor with dark gritty storytelling (I bet they were thinking, hey it worked for One Piece, we'll do it here too) and it just doesn't fit. The characters are flat stereotypes: Maka is a typical loudmouth brainiac, Black Star's Naruto 2.0, and Death the Kid is the emo pretty boy. The weapons are all tropes and the villains are hammy knock offs of superior villains. The story is starts good, but wanders off into nonsense once the whole black blood bullcrap is introduced and it condescends into wannabe Disney idiocy.

So if you haven't seen Soul Eater, don't bother. There are a butt ton of anime that far surpass this garbage.
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