Summerfield (1977)
Saw this as a kid. Loved it.
1 December 2015
One of the 1st (and to this day only) Australian films to have a brilliant trailer. So I was there with some mates on opening day. We had to sneak in as there was nudity and boobies. Unfortunately this film resonates today as much for its wonderful acting and scenery and story as for Director Ken Hannam's arrogance. I read producer Lovell's autobiography, and she was livid about how little coverage Hannam had shot, (apparently he had neglected to tell his producer he didn't believe in the project) and so Lovell and the editor had to try to "save" the film in the editing booth. Sad when you see the film (I was 13 when I saw it the first time, and it blew me away) it stands up and is what it is: a pretty taught little thriller. Hard to be overly critical on the movie, a good story well told, nicely acted, and as a teenage boy, with lots of great boobies. Twist ending, but nowdays we can all see it coming, but in 1978 it was new . . . if only the "director" had worked harder we may have had a classic here. Been in love with Geraldine Turner (see the Michael Parkinson interview) ever since. Sigh. Get it, bet you like it.
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