Leave It to Beaver: Beaver and Violet (1960)
Season 3, Episode 32
Embarrassed and Mortified
30 November 2015
In this highly amusing third-season entry, Beaver is embarrassed when Fred Rutherford snaps a photo of his daughter Violet kissing him (Beaver) on the cheek during a picnic. His embarrassment turns to mortification when the photo appears on the cover of Ward's company newsletter.

Part of the reason I like this episode is that it offers us a good dose of Whitey Whitney, my personal favorite among Beaver's friends; he becomes a confidant to Beaver after the photo incident and promises not to tell anyone about it. He suggests to Beaver that the kiss means that Violet is in love with him. Beaver and Whitey teeter between disgust and barely concealed curiosity about the new emotion of love. There is tart dialogue from all concerned: Particularly funny is Wally's comment that they hope Fred doesn't wear his shorts and Hawaiian shirt at the picnic "or people will think he's our father." On LITB, adults are not immune from acting foolishly, and Fred comes off as particularly buffoonish.

In sum, an LITB episode that successfully mines the embarrassments of childhood.
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