Fight Club (1999)
A film to change your life?
29 November 2015
I give this film 9 out of 10, and your only question should be "why should it lose a mark, why not 10 out of 10?" and that is indeed a fair question.

The lost mark is because when I watched the film for the first time I had no idea how amazing it was going to be, and the slightly slow build up risked me changing channel. I see the same reaction when I try to get other people to watch the film, as their interest wanes I have to say "no, stick with it!". And 'stick with it' you should.

This film literally changed my life. A share a lot of the views of the lead character and to see this expressed on the big screen is comforting, fun, scary, weird, exciting, eye-opening.

This is the only film that I had to watch for a second time immediately and it was like being immersed in a whole new story.

I was very fortunate knowing nothing about the film when I first watched it so I wasn't looking out for a twist, so the twist got me hook line and sinker. If you haven't seen the film yet, don't try to guess the twist, let it hit you at the appropriate time.

A superb film worthy of its high ranking.
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