Review of Honour

Honour (I) (2014)
28 November 2015
The editing and structure of the film is confusing, the characters without depth or development, certain crucial incidents are contrived and unbelievable. The opportunity to show the real horror and wickedness of so-called 'honour' murders is lost except for short scenes such as the mother encouraging or bullying her sons to betray and kill their sister. When one considers the brutal murder of a real defenceless girl by her parents on a settee in their home around 2000, with the rest of the siblings watching and only one of them brave enough to tell the truth years later, this kind of film trivialises the sheer nightmare immorality of such parents and such homes. Those killers were eventually sentenced to life in jail after the police doggedly pursued their conviction. That is a dramatic enough story to tell without bounty hunters, clichéd rooftop scenes, and hypocritical thugs with foul minds and foul mouths attending prayers and pretending to uphold the law.

As for the original reviewer of this film, the Muslim person who wrote it should be ashamed of the predictable 'moral message' he managed to drag out of it, which seems to be that girls should do exactly what their families want and have no minds, thoughts or feelings of their own. Here's an idea that might not have occurred to him: if you move to a culture that is alien to your own degraded one and cannot handle it, go back to where you really belong and live happily there. Don't bring sickening, perverted ideas of murdering children to save some ridiculous idea of 'honour' to a country that believes in the right to freedom of thought, speech and action under the law.
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