Review of Oriole

Homeland: Oriole (2015)
Season 5, Episode 7
Homeland's just alright season continues
25 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Oriole was okay… do I need to say anything more?

I guess I probably do, but at this stage Homeland isn't really providing a lot to write and talk about. In its opening season Homeland was this vibrant, water-cooler, event television show. In its second season it remained this but lost some of its quality and by its third season any semblance of consistency had disappeared.

Since then Homeland has steadied the ship and particularly in this fifth season the show has become one of very few highs, but also not many lows. I think this is one of the biggest reasons for why Homeland has totally and utterly lost that water-cooler tag, it isn't about a huge decline in quality but actually about the nature of the show now.

I think Oriole epitomizes this. It is steady and self-assured but also a little dull. I think the main problem with Homeland at the moment is that the big moments aren't hitting hard enough. If we look at this episode the biggest moments are Carrie's friend dying in the cab, Saul being abducted by his Israeli friend, were they big enough climaxes.

I mean the death of Carrie's cabby friend was advertised so far in advance that it could never really be effective (them having that little exchange so he could say that he was about graduate is the equivalent of it being the last day on the job for a cop) and at the moment I'm not really particularly confident about the directions that they are taking both Saul and Quinn.

This isn't to say it was a terrible episode. In fact, as alluded to, I think this episode is really great example of where Homeland is at the moment. In the last few weeks I have talked about anticipating the show hitting its stride but I'm starting to believe that the show will just carry on at this pace.

There isn't anything particularly wrong with this and I'm sure there will be some acceleration but I just don't see the show quite exploding the way it did in its first season, or even its second and third (the last few episodes of season three are what stop me from calling it consistently bad and instead just calling it inconsistent.)

Regardless, I continue to enjoy Homeland while simultaneously finding it kind of boring (I don't know if that is some sort of horrible indictment on me.)

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