Murder One: Chapter Fifteen (1996)
Season 1, Episode 15
Filler, plain and simple.
23 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
During part of the trial two members of the jury ('adult' males) start bickering in open court. They sound like two juvenile siblings arguing. Turns out one is having an affair with a female juror and the other supposedly tried to also have an affair but got rebuffed. A good part of the episode is devoted to whether or not to chuck the lot of them out. I would say in my unprofessional opinion that they should all be tossed out. A LOT of time is wasted with this situation that has not much, if any, bearing on the actual trial.

They are ALL kept on the jury but the judge tells them to more or less act like adults, to which they agree. This jury is compromised if only because the jilted juror will most likely disagree with ANYTHING the new couple say!

When the couple are dismissed later, they act like a couple of angry teenagers, making me want to scream at the TV screen.

More silliness involves Arnold and Julie. Arnold is supposedly a professional attorney who most likely knows that he should not get involved with a client. But, of course, he cannot resist her charms (they are certainly evident as she is very attractive!). Seriously, he can't resist or see that someone (Richard Cross maybe) else may be putting her up to this?

I won't even mention (much) the silliness of Justine and Richard Cross working together to get him a painting!

I have enjoyed this series up until now and will continue to watch, but feel as if the wheels are starting to fall off...the actual trial seems to be getting dragged out with all this filler.
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