Masters of Horror: Valerie on the Stairs (2006)
Season 2, Episode 8
Not a bad episode, just not mind blowing
18 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had some great high points, for instance, the surprise appearance by Christopher Lloyd, but all in all, this episode just felt sloppy. Sloppy direction, sloppy acting from the lead character, who was decidedly out-shone by his co-stars. Seeing Tony Todd was great, but he was utterly underutilized. The special effects were sloppy, but I blame that more on the fact it's a television episode than anything else.

My verdict? I'd love to see a full-length adaptation of this story, but this one was rather middle-of-the road and a bit disappointing. I just feel as if so much more could have been done with such a thrilling plot, and most of it fell short.
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