The New Mike Hammer: Golden Lady (1986)
Season 3, Episode 3
See that he gets a citation for population control
14 November 2015
****SPOILERS*** It's when retired doc worker Sam Bailer, David Carlile, was found dead with his money, a big three dollars, gone on the Brooklyn waterfront that his widow Ruth, Julianna MaCarthy, felt fowl pay was involve. Ruth goes to see private eye Mike Hammer, Stacey Keach, not only to find out who killed her husband but to get Sam's pension money,$2,200.00, that she needs to pay for his funeral.

It's when Hammer went to the Dockworker's Union offices in the Flat Iron District in Manhattan he got a rude reception by those working there in having all the flies, including Sam's, shredded by those union goons who ended up attacking him. It's then, after a wild free for all, Hammer soon realized that someone was stealing the union money and it was Sam's misfortune to find out about that which cost him his life. Working with federal auditor Kate Wilkins, Shelley Smith, Hammer uncovers a scheme to use the union accounts, that of some 600 members, to launder ill gotten cash through them and to the safety, away from US Government scrutiny, of the far off Cayman Islands.

***SPOILERS*** Checking out a number of leads it turns out that this, the laundering, was done by stock swindler James Vernon, Garry Wood, and his Mafia partner restaurateur Victor Panacetti,Paul Kent. But it's the person whom they secretly work for,???, who's the real brains behind the operation and immune to prosecution. That's until Hammer closes in on him or her. For swindling Sam Bailer out of his hard earn savings of $2,200.00 lead to the fall of a major money laundering ring. As well as the death some half dozen, good & bad guys, people involved or victimized by it. Asd for Mrs Ruth Bailer she ended up not only getting her husband's $2,2000.00 for his funeral expenses but also some three to five, if not more, million dollars in helping Mike Hammer smash, with the help of the NYPD & FBI, the money laundering ring!
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