A super-low budgeted 21st century version of the old el Santo movies.
14 November 2015
Back in the 1960s and 70s, there were a ton of luchador (wrestler) films. These were VERY strange movies that starred the likes of el Santo and Blue Demon--Mexican pro wrestlers who were so beloved that they appeared in super-hero films. Some of these pictures were like spy films, others pitted these heroes against Dracula, mummies and the like! They are utterly ridiculous films...but there's a certain silly, kitschy charm to them as well. Now, with "El Alambrista", there is a new luchador film but unlike the films of old, this one was made on a truly microscopic budget (according to IMDb, only about $3200!!). Unlike the older movies, this new luchador film is made using a video camera and the simplest of sets and props. Yet, oddly, the film is a lot better than you'd expect for $3200!

The story begins in Mexico. Alambre (also called Alambrista or 'The Fence Jumper') decides to sneak into the United States to earn money to take care of his brother and widowed mother. Unfortunately, the coyote (a person who's paid to help folks cross the border illegally) is a crook and attacks the group of Mexicans he's escorting. Alambrista (who ALWAYS is wearing his luchador mask) attacks back and dispenses justice. With his new friend, the pair go to work picking vegetables in America--a tough, low-paying sort of job. But when evil racists come to pick on the illegals, Alambrista once again springs into action--thrashing the white trash racists.

Because Alambrista is so strong and such a great natural wrestler, he's soon introduced to Blutes--a pro wrestler trainer. Soon, Alambrista is in the professional ring and making good money. Things sound great, right? Well, not really, as a group of criminal luchadors are determined to make Alambrista lose in the ring...as well as use an evil concoction on both animals AND people! What's next for this cut-rate super-hero?

Despite the silly plot and non-existent production values, "El Alambrista" is a surprisingly good film. Now I am not saying it's great by any standard but it is far better than it should be considering everything. Plus, I could really see how this character would resonate with Chicanos, as he represents a person who is willing to fight to protect folks who have no rights or power themselves. Weird but worth a look.
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