Another World (I) (2014)
An existential drama with horror woven in
14 November 2015
After reading some of the reviews I anticipated watching this movie with a sense of dread. I was very pleasantly surprised. It's not your usual x-box style kill everything in sight blood and guts, pass out from boredom zombie type movie. It's not really a zombie movie. The pace was good. Maybe a tad fast. 2 hours would have made it better. The problem with these movies is they try and fit a lot into a short period of time. Inevitable corners are going to be cut to get to the punchline. The storyline was plausible. If you have seen the trailer. You definitely have not seen the movie! Some reviewers try and spot mistakes and errors in the movie or inconsistencies. All movies have this. So what? If it doesn't really affect the story what do I care. It's not an exam.
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