Review of The Fallen

The Fallen (2004)
Low Budget Is Painfully Obvious
9 November 2015
Someone calling themselves "Netflicks" copied and pasted the Netflix summary of this film in the Plot Summary section, so I'm basing my review on that.

This "gritty war-time drama" is more like a war-time dark comedy gone horribly and terribly wrong. There is no "unique cinematic style" and since the whole movie is in color, it certainly doesn't evoke any feeling of authentic newsreel footage. It's totally unrealistic, with bad acting, and that strange "Italian film script" that just comes off completely silly and makes no sense. With Italian films, I just never know if a given scene is dramatic or comedic because the dialog is often so ridiculous. Maybe they just always employ really bad translators, or people that aren't translating, but guessing what the actors are saying.

In addition to the above, I have five specific authenticity grievances against this one:

1. A US Army major is wearing his rank insignia on both collars of his dress uniform blouse.

2. An officer salutes a sergeant.

3. American soldiers in a camp in a combat zone walking around without any headgear.

4. An Italian partisan is carrying a Thompson M1929A1 before any Americans have been in the area. This is remotely possible, but very highly unlikely. Even the Sicilian Mafia didn't carry Thompsons, if Mario Puzo can be believed.

5. In one scene, an American soldier is working on a truck engine to try to get it working. The camera angle is from inside the engine compartment looking up, as the soldier pulls a part out of the engine. The part is a toilet tank flapper. I suppose it can be argued that there could have actually been a flapper in the engine, and that's why the truck wouldn't start, but that would be a pretty ridiculous stretch of the imagination! The "Americans" all appeared to be Italian, and they were more like the Keystone Kops than soldiers.

All-in-all, this film's low budget is painfully obvious. Excellent films have been made on shoestring budgets, such as Saints and Soldiers, but this one just doesn't try very hard to be good.
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