Literally stuck
8 November 2015
If you want to experience rigor mortis while still alive - watch this movie! I got 40 to 45 minutes into the movie and this is all that happened - Bass guitarist dude in a garage band wants to move to Seattle. He receives an offer to join a band in Seattle. (How nice) Guitarest dude tells his mother (who happens to have more teeth than her mouth can accommodate) he's going to Seattle, she's unhappy about this. Guitarest dude tells his garage band members he's moving to Seattle. They are dudes and they don't seem to care. On the day he is leaving Pheonix and going to Seattle he stops in a convenience store and the lovely cashier chick asks him to go to a concert with her (she doesn't know him). So he puts off his travel plans in order to take this hot chick to a concert. Some of the garage band members steal his car. He ends up going to the cashier chicks apartment and discovers she has a baby. This is where I went into a coma watching this movie.

At this point in the movie may joints froze-up and my head fell off and rolled away! Then my detached head noticed an embalming needle coming near me so I pulled my self together and quit the flick!

45 minutes and that's all that happens - nothing, not to mention the nothing script - if it had a script! I think not!

Do something healthy, like running away from this movie.
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