This film holds on it's own without Ketchup!
4 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Now I have never seen the Bell boy and the play girl.I know Francis Coppola and the American distributors re visioned it for good or bad.I am not going to make a judgment.This is the original film.The only problem that it was shot in black and white it showed historically erotic paintings to proceed with the live action.This calls for color .It was also cropped over the 1:66:1 ratio for flat t.v.'s.If your an actor and you agreed to play a role cause your getting paid for it ,you got to do it ,whether you like it or not.The problem is that Dinah ,played by Karen Dor,has a hang up about the role she portraying in the play, produced by Gregor ,played by German veteran actor Willy Fritsch .She plays a blushing bride,just married to the character played by the leading actor portrayed by Michael Cramer.It's too sexy for her to play.It goes against her conservative morals toward sex.Although it's only a play and she does not actually have sex with the actor Karen has a hang up towards her character.With one week before the play opens.Willy tries older under study ,whom Coppola would have never hired in the u.s.a. version cause she too old and her breast are small,Barbara, played by another veteran German actress Mady Rahl.The problem is that Barbara acts more like a middle age prostitute than a blushing bride .So Willy has to try to convince Dinah to play with part.With classic erotic drawings and painting, he shows her, he discusses the birds and the bees through out the ages.The paintings proceed with live action ,except for the Marie Antoinette and the french revolution period .Obviously that would have gone over the producers budget.In one vignette Willy is a night who comes home to his virgin bride all worn out and tired.His assertive frustrated wife ,whom is still a virgin,I think,waits impatiently for him to take all his armor off and all of a sudden is called back to war.Another Vignette taking place in the Napoleon period.Willy does not want his wife ,played by Mady Rahl to be painted so obviously,sexy, by artist,played by Cramer.Mady Ignores him and wears more revealing clothes,that reveals Mady's breast through see through clothing .Then there's the Toulouse Lautrec period .Michael Cramer plays a gentlemen who is engage to Hannah Weider,who cares more about her stomach than the engagement, meets her at the Moulin Rouge with her uncle.Michael is so disgusted at her he leaves,Then the musical number comes in in which singer ,played by Angele Durand , on the stage sings the title of the film with the audience as the chorus.By this time Karen is not only convinced to play the role ,but , is now in love with Cramer too,making the play a hit. Sure this may not have June Wilkinson and Don Kenney or 3D in it,but, it holds on it's own.11/4/15
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