Horizon: Is Your Brain Male or Female? (2014)
Season 51, Episode 15
One half is 10 stars the other half is unscientific feminism.
4 November 2015
While I do think there should be a place for personal opinion/propaganda documentaries I am against documentaries mixing 2 things and not stating when they are talking about science and when they are just making a personal claim. The female presenter in this documentary is the feminist opinion while the male presenter is the educated scientist, neuroscientist. But the female presenter tries to do her personal experiments and make huge claims based on them while the male presenter only interviews other scientists. For example. Alice made her own "experiments" in the show with only 2 people to make a point. After her result in the baby dress experiment, which was probably set up as clear results usually take 100 of individuals to get, she concludes that men and women change the brain structures of the children by how they talk to them. Firstly, parental influence is very small or non-existent in all psychology experiments, this is a point they fail to make in this documentary. So she must imply that the groups or other adults change the brains of the children? But that's not what her experiments show at all. You need much more studies to be able to conclude that and none of her "experiments" are actually measuring this effect. And the only scientist she interviews that support her feminist ideas does not base her ideology on anything concrete. It seems like they wanted to make a documentary with 2 point of views clashing no matter what the real science shows on the subject. It reminds me about Galileo who was forced to have both the heliocentric and the scientific views in his book. Or how modern news channels always invite 1 scientist who says CO2 does not heat the earth and one who says it does. But why? Why make it seem like scientists are fighting about basis results an are split 50/50? Why select one of the presenters based on her looks and not select a presenter who actually studies sex difference or brains? It seems pointless to me. The only good documentary on the subject so far is Hjernevask. There are a few small documentaries from BBC on gender too, but none of them are good. Just interview the scientists, stop making baseless claims, and present a hell lot of experiments. Don't make it ideology mixed with science. Those are oil and water.
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