Hints of Dean's greatness!
28 October 2015
James Dean has always been one of my favorite actors! East of Eden is an amazing and powerful film and a lot of it is due to Dean's presence!

Traces of this can be seen in this teleplay. Aired in 1954 this episode is even more notable in that Dean acts with Ronald Reagan which in itself is remarkable! Reagan is actually quite good in this episode as a doctor being terrorized by Dean and his companion played by jack Simmons. Without giving away much of the plot the interplay between the principals is quite good and seeing Constance Ford in this episode is also very cool!

Dean is a consummate actor. For someone so young his range was incredible and he is so convincing in this teleplay. Although the quality of this black and white episode is grainy and the audio is less than stellar you can see flashes of the brilliance of Dean for sure!

Reagan is surprising in his range in this teleplay as well! Having only seen Reagan in a couple of B comedies I was quite impressed with his acting in this teleplay.
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