Review of Caged Women

Caged Women (1991)
A Pretty Standard WIP Film
27 October 2015
"Janet Cooper" (Pilar Orive) is an American tourist who travels to a small South American village to get away from it all. While in a bar she meets a helicopter pilot named "Frank Nolan" (Christian Lorenz) and spends the night with him. Unfortunately, when she wakes up she is arrested by a corrupt policeman and whisked away to a prison in a remote part of the jungle. As it so happens this prison is filled with women who are routinely stripped and beaten until they agree to have sex with any man who can come up with the money. Janet, on the other hand, refuses to cooperate and as a result she earns the enmity of the head female guard named "Gerda" (Elena Wiedermann) and the so-called warden "Captain Juan" (Aldo Sambrell). Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was a pretty standard Women-in-Prison (WIP) movie for the most part. It featured a couple of attractive actresses who played their parts well enough but the dialogue was weak and some of the scenes seemed to drag on much too long which caused the movie to be rather boring at times. Having said that I would have to rate it as just slightly below average.
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