The Walking Dead: Thank You (2015)
Season 6, Episode 3
Am.. What just happened?
26 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Okei, I'll start by saying that I'm in shock. Glenn is dead? Like ..seriously?

This episode was really, really good. I was biting my nails, because I knew that a lot of characters will die but at the same time I didn't think that a main character would. I was like - okei, that dude just told everybody, that this is Rick's fault - he will die. And that girl Annie was going to die too because you could see that in the season 6 trailer.

I was pretty sure, that Daryl, Michonne and Rick will survive. Abraham and Sasha were in the car - there was no real danger for them so they would by okei as well. And as for Glenn - I thought that he was safe because of the comics and the way how he was killed there.

And when he was killed the way he was, I remembered something that someone - R. Kirkman or S. Gimple - said in Talking dead, when Hershel died : "The more beloved the character is, the more brutal their death should be. " but in that case why Glenn, who was so beloved , died like that? Even though it was interesting that he was killed because of the man he saved, I still thought that he deserved more memorable death than this.


I hope that he really did die. Let's be honest - there was no way he could've survived, so I hope that he won't show up in next episode like - I just hide/run/whatever while they were eating Nicholas. That would actually ruin the show, at least for me. I loved Glenn, yes, and it will be weird watching this show without him but please don't bring him back. If you killed him, he should stay dead. Or maybe bring him back like a walker.
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